Lawn Care – More Than Just Watering and Fertilizer

A quality lawn needs more than weed control and fertilizer. It also needs proper mowing, watering, aeration, and soil testing.

Over time, compacted garden soil prevents grass growth and makes it impossible for nutrients to penetrate the roots. Aerating — spiking holes in the turf — relieves compaction and improves air and nutrient penetration. Contact Lawn Care Harrisburg PA now!

Watering is one of the most basic and essential lawn care practices. Lawns need at least an inch of water each week for optimum health and performance. A lawn that is watered properly will stay lush and green throughout the summer, resist weed invasions and be more resistant to disease and pests. Overwatering can lead to brown, wilted turf and promote fungus.

Watering your lawn correctly requires knowledge of the soil type, climate and grass species. Some lawns require more water than others. For example, a sandy soil in full sun may require more water than a clay soil in part shade. Additionally, different areas of your yard may have different water needs based on their sun exposure, wind direction and slope.

The best time of day to water is in the early-to-late morning, when it’s less likely that the moisture will evaporate before the roots can absorb it. Using a sprinkler system can be helpful in delivering the right amount of water at the correct time, but if you’re watering by hand, be sure to watch for signs of overwatering. Look for pools of water that have formed in the grass or on the soil surface – these are signs of runoff. Runoff washes away fertilizer and newly sown seed, negatively affecting your lawn.

Avoid mowing when the grass is wet as this can cause stress and damage to the blades. When it’s wet, grass blades are more susceptible to weed invasion and disease, as well as injury from lawn equipment.

A healthy lawn also includes services like aeration, dethatching, pruning and mulching. Aerating helps reduce thatch, improves drainage and encourages deeper root growth. Dethatching removes thatch and underlying layers of organic matter that can hold moisture, prevent air flow and contribute to fungus. Mulching moderates soil temperature, retains nutrients and suppresses weed growth. Pruning maintains the shape of shrubs and bushes and reduces insect activity.

In addition to these services, a professional lawn care company will provide a variety of other services that promote the health and appearance of your yard. These services include weed control, fertilization, soil testing, aeration, seeding and tree and shrub care.


Over time, your soil loses the essential nutrients it needs to support grass growth and resist weeds. Lawn fertilizer supplements and replenishes those nutrients, and it is one of the most important steps in a lawn care routine. The best lawn fertilizers are formulated with a specific combination of essential nutrients. Generally speaking, most lawn fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen promotes leafy green growth, phosphate encourages plant root development, and potassium improves stress tolerance.

A lawn fertilizer application must be precise to avoid over-fertilizing. Too much fertilizer can burn the grass and create an unhealthy appearance. Lawn care professionals use highly calibrated equipment to apply just the right amount of fertilizer. This is why it is better to let a professional do the job!

Different types of fertilizer are available for your lawn, including organic, slow-release, and synthetic. Organic fertilizers are derived from natural materials, such as compost, and are eco-friendly. Organic fertilizers are also safer for pets and children, and they don’t run off into nearby water sources and cause pollution.

Synthetic fertilizers deliver a more rapid supply of nutrients to the grass. The drawback to this is that it diverts energy from the roots to the leaves, which can weaken the grass and increase its vulnerability to environmental stresses. A more balanced approach is to use a lawn biostimulant along with a fertilizer. Lawn biostimulants, like Mirimichi Green’s Nutri-Kelp, contain sea kelp and carbon to promote root growth and boost nutrient uptake.

The timing of fertilization varies by region, with cooler regions preferring fall fertilization and warmer areas tending to favor spring. The proper technique for fertilizing is evenly spreading the product with a rotary spreader, and then watering the area to help the nutrient absorption process. Regular mowing and aerating are other aspects of a lawn care program that will enhance the results of your fertilization. These processes can also help repair thin or bare spots in the yard. In addition to these fundamental aspects of lawn care, weed control and irrigation can also make a difference.

Weed Control

Weeds are a significant and ongoing challenge to lawn care. Not only do they look unattractive, but they steal vital nutrients from grass and desirable plants, inhibiting their growth and diminishing the quality of your outdoor space.

In addition, weeds can harbor pests and diseases that can spread to desired plants. Eliminating weeds from the landscape is therefore essential to maintaining a healthy garden or lawn.

Lawn weed control is not the same as fertilizer application. Different weeds require unique treatment strategies. For example, opportunistic weeds like crabgrass and wild violet are best controlled with pre-emergent herbicides, while perennial weeds such as bindweed and thistle must be addressed with targeted post-emergent herbicide treatments. The timing of these treatments will also depend on the weather and soil conditions in your area.

It is important to note that even if you are using pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides, it may not be enough to keep your lawn weed free. You will likely need to perform additional aeration and overseeding to improve the health of your turf, making it more resilient against weeds and more difficult for them to grow.

Weeds can have a negative impact on property value, as they can give the impression that your yard is neglected. Routine weed control will help ensure that your yard is a source of pride, rather than an eyesore.

Finally, weeds can contribute to an unsightly and unpleasant outdoor environment, and in some cases, they can be harmful to your family’s health. For instance, weeds like dandelions and clover can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

If you are struggling to maintain a beautiful, weed-free lawn, consider partnering with a professional lawn care service. The pros will use a combination of preventative strategies to keep your lawn lush and weed-free. They will use a combination of granular and liquid products to treat your entire yard, addressing weeds as they emerge, while taking the overall health of your landscape into consideration. They will also follow strict regulations to ensure that the products they use are properly stored and maintained for efficacy.


A lush lawn is a beautiful asset to any home, and it adds to the curb appeal. It also serves as a buffer for your yard and property, and it helps to protect children and pets from pests and disease. However, a healthy lawn requires more than just watering and fertilization. Mowing is a critical aspect of lawn care, and it has many benefits that will help to keep your grass green and vibrant.

Grass needs to be mowed at the right height in order to thrive. Too short, and it will look brittle and unhealthy. Too long, and it may become prone to fungal diseases. Mowing the right height can ensure that your grass stays healthy, and it can reduce the need for fungicide treatments in the future.

Regular mowing will also help to prevent weeds. Almost all lawns have some weeds, but if they are kept under control, they will not be able to do much damage. Those that are allowed to get out of control will compete with the grass for water and nutrients, and they can also attract harmful bugs. Regular mowing will allow you to spot any weeds that are growing in your yard, and they can be removed as soon as possible.

Mowing your grass at the proper height will also promote upright shoot growth. This will reduce the chance of disease and encourage root growth, which will improve the health of your lawn.

It’s also important to regularly clean up your lawn after mowing. Leaving grass clippings on the ground can lead to thatch, which will rob the soil of moisture and nutrients. If you bag up your clippings or allow them to decompose in the yard, you will need to fertilize your lawn less often.

A lawn care company that offers a full range of services will be able to provide you with a lush, green lawn that is attractive and durable. They will know how to properly water, fertilize, and weed control your lawn, as well as how to mow the right way. They will also have the tools to diagnose problems and treat them as needed.

Lawn Care Tips

A beautiful lawn not only enhances your property’s curb appeal but also helps to improve the environment. Maintaining a healthy lawn involves many tasks, including mowing at the correct height, watering adequately, fertilizing properly, controlling weeds, and aerating regularly.

Lawn Care

Soil tests can guide your efforts, as can the numbers on fertilizer labels. Aerating helps prevent soil compaction that restricts oxygen and limits nutrient flow to grassroots. Visit to learn more.

Mowing is one of the most essential lawn care tasks. A healthy, thriving lawn needs to be cut at the right frequency and height. For example, cutting your lawn too short can cause it to turn brown in dry weather and make it more susceptible to weeds. A good lawn service will know the best mowing technique for your climate zone. They may also offer a variety of other lawn services, like edging, mulching, and blowing away debris.

Keeping your yard clear of trash and other items is important to maintain the health of your grass. A thick layer of leaves or other debris can block sunlight and prevent the grass from photosynthesizing. A lawn care service can help by removing leaves and other debris from the yard on a regular schedule, often with a leaf blower vacuum.

Another vital lawn care task is aeration, which involves poking small holes in the soil to promote growth. This helps your lawn grow faster and be more drought-tolerant. It’s especially important to aerate your lawn in the spring and fall when the soil is more dense.

Fertilization and weed control are also important to a lush, beautiful lawn. A good lawn care company will have experience with a variety of fertilizers and can help you choose the right one for your needs. They may also use natural weed killers instead of chemical herbicides, which are safer for children and pets.

Many lawn care services will offer regular recurring service, which can save you time and money. This way, you never have to worry about your yard getting unkempt or neglectful. A lawn care pro will be available to handle all the little things that go into making your yard look its best.


The frequency and duration of your lawn’s watering depend on the time of year, your climate, and your grass type. For example, cool-season grasses need to be watered more frequently in spring than they do during summer. However, too much water can cause a variety of problems, including fungus and thatch buildup. It’s important to find the right balance between frequent, shallow watering and infrequent but deep watering.

The best time to water your yard is in the early morning, preferably between 4 and 6 a.m. This cool part of the day prevents evaporation and reduces fungal diseases, and it also helps ensure that the roots receive the water rather than the surface. Avoid watering at night, as this can encourage weed growth and can scald the grass.

A soil test will provide the most accurate information on your lawn’s watering needs. The results will let you know the proportion of sand, silt, and clay in the soil, as well as its moisture retention capacity. Sandy soil, for example, dries out more quickly than clay soil does. But too much clay in the soil can result in compacted earth that restricts nutrient, air, and water flow.

A regular schedule of lawn care services will keep your turf healthy and strong, allowing it to resist weeds and disease more effectively. Recurring lawn services include mowing or grass cutting, fertilization, seeding/overseeding, and aerating. A professional lawn service will have the equipment and knowledge to perform these tasks safely and correctly. They will also use organic pesticides that contain plant, mineral, or microbial substances instead of chemical products, which are more environmentally friendly and healthier for your garden.


The soil that surrounds most homes is poor, so grasses have to rely on what is in the ground for their micro- and macronutrients. Regular feeding with lawn fertilizer ensures that the grass will get all the nutrients it needs to thrive, especially during hot, dry weather.

Fertilizers come in granular and liquid forms. If you’re looking for a greener lawn, consider choosing organic fertilizers made from materials like compost, blood meal or fish emulsion. These natural fertilizers release their nutrients slowly, so they help the soil stay healthy instead of depleting it. Liquid fertilizers, on the other hand, provide a quick burst of nutrients and are used more often.

Observe your lawn’s growth to determine how often you should feed it. Generally, it’s best to apply fertilizer in the spring, summer and fall. The fall application helps replenish food reserves before winter, and the spring application encourages root growth before the heat of summer arrives.

Be sure to read the product labels carefully. The numbers on the label reveal how much actual nitrogen and other nutrients each fertilizer contains. Too much can damage the grass and cause the rest of the plant to degrade, while too little will not benefit it.

Avoid using fertilizers near bodies of water, as the excess can run off into rivers, lakes and streams. The nutrients can poison fish and other wildlife and cause algal blooms that wreak havoc on the environment. You should also avoid fertilizing when the soil is frozen. This prevents the nutrients from being washed away or unable to reach the grass roots.

Weed Control

Weeds steal water and nutrients from your grass. They also compete for space and detract from the beauty of your lawn. But if you practice proper lawn care, your healthy turf can outcompete and overtake the weeds.

One way to control weeds is by simply mowing your lawn regularly. Mowing eliminates the ability of a weed to put up a seed head and propagate itself. It is also essential to remove any weeds by hand before they have a chance to grow rhizomes or tubers, or set seed. When removing any weeds by hand, make sure to pull the entire plant and its root. This is especially important for perennial weeds such as dandelion, spurge, or dallisgrass. A dandelion fork or fishtail weeder can help with larger patches of weeds that have deep taproots.

For more serious weed infestations, chemical weed control methods can be used. Whether synthetic or organic, these chemicals work by interfering with the weed’s growth or by killing it. There are pre-emergent herbicides (dithiopyr or MCPP) that prevent weeds from germinating and postemergence herbicides that kill weeds that have already emerged from the soil. Both are effective when the correct timing is used.

It is recommended to only use herbicides in conjunction with mowing, watering, and fertilization. Be sure to read and follow all product labels, closely following the specific application rates and safety precautions. A professional lawn care company can provide you with a tailored plan to reduce the number of weeds in your lawn.

When you choose a professional lawn care company in the Memphis, TN and Olive Branch, MS area to manage your landscape, they will take a holistic approach that includes a customized weed control treatment program. This is the best way to ensure your yard is protected from weeds and looking its absolute best.


Lawn aeration is the process of poking holes into the soil to relieve soil compaction and encourage grass root growth. The practice improves grass density and increases curb appeal. Aeration also helps reduce the need for weed control and promotes soil health, helping to prevent soil erosion.

Aeration is a common annual lawn care service, but it’s also important to do on your own. You can rent a lawn aeration tool that looks like a cross between a lawnmower and a tiller, and it’s relatively simple to operate. Aerating on your own is much more cost-effective than hiring a professional.

When a lawn isn’t aerated, the grass becomes unhealthy, with fewer roots and less water absorption. Aeration breaks up thatch and reduces soil compaction, allowing the roots to grow deeper and produce a healthier lawn.

Soil compaction and excess thatch starve the roots of your grass by blocking the flow of air, water and nutrients. Aerating alleviates the problem by perforating the soil with small holes, enabling the roots to breathe and absorb more nutrients.

Aerating also benefits your garden by encouraging the growth of beneficial organisms, such as earthworms, soil insects and aerobic bacteria. These organisms thrive in porous, oxygen-rich soil.

Aerated soil is easier for rainwater to soak into, reducing runoff that can contaminate nearby rivers and lakes. Regular aeration also enhances heat and drought tolerance and decreases disease susceptibility by increasing the thickness and depth of your grass’s root system. To get the most benefit from your aeration, you should time it when your grass is in its growing season–usually early spring or fall for cool-season grasses and late spring through early summer for warm-season grasses.